
What is TerraBlock?

TerraBlock is a terraria sky island map designed to be the hardest sky island map possible. It consists of only a few starting blocks, and unlike other sky island maps you do not start with grass. It is easier and more enjoyable when playing with more than 1 person. As you start the game you will have to use your resources sparingly but be careful so you don't softlock yourself. This challenging world will require you to think of new ways of progressing and how to beat bosses without proper gear. This challenge is not for the faint of heart, if you do not intend on playing for a long time you will not have time to beat it. This map has not been beaten by anyone, yet, mostly because it's not that popular. 

Why is TerraBlock?

TerraBlock was created because the other challenge sky island maps just were not hard enough. TerraBlock was an attempt at making a harder map then all the other maps out there. TerraBlock has become popular among the sky island community.

Can it be harder?

Although TerraBlock claims to be the hardest its actually not, there is a new map imagend by the same creators of terrablock which could consist of 4 mud blocks and that's it. There is no telling when a public appearance of this challenge will be online however it has been said Crawdad105 will post it on his channel. PetaBlock is will be the new hardest terraria sky island map, it is supposed to be so hard its might not even be beatable, however there is speculation that it could theoretically be possible.

How can i play it?

You can download it on steam and curseforge. There is also a TerraBlock discord server which you can join. Or watch a play thought on Crawdad105's channel.

CurceForge Download

TerraBlock Youtube Playlist

TerraBlock Discord Server